Second Sunday of Easter - 19 April 2020
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Doubting Thomas, Emmanuel Nsama
Today is the second Sunday of Easter. In the orthodox church it is called ‘St Thomas Sunday’, because the Gospel of the Day is the appearance of Jesus to Thomas one week after he appeared to the other disciples in John’s Gospel.
To participate in our service today, you will need a Bible and a candle. If there is more than one of you, you can share out leading, and the readings; but it is perfectly possible to participate just on your own.
Light the candle to begin, and pray that Jesus will, in his own way, make himself known to you as you are worshipping this morning. We make the sign of the cross, saying together,
Leader: + In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
All Amen
Leader The Lord is here.
All His Spirit is with us.
Leader Alleluia! Christ is risen.
All He is risen indeed. Alleluia!
We take a moment to think about coming into the presence of God and joining with others, either virtually or in our own homes, on this second Sunday of Easter.
Confessing our sins
As we enter God’s presence, we remember that we have not always lived our lives as we might have done. We have done wrong and hurt others. Let’s seek God’s forgiveness. We pray together:
Like Mary at the empty tomb
we fail to grasp the wonder of your presence.
Lord, have mercy.
Like the disciples behind locked doors,
we are afraid to be seen as your followers,
Christ, have mercy.
Like Thomas in the upper room
we are slow to believe.
Lord, have mercy.
We pause, before saying together:
May the Father forgive us
by the death of his Son
and strengthen us to live in the power of his Spirit
all our days.
Praising God’s glory
We sing to praise God’s glory. Please join in with Jonathan by clicking on the link.
Glory be to God in heaven,
peace to those who love him well;
on the earth let all his people
speak his glace, his wonders tell:
Lord, we praise you for your glory,
mighty Father, heaven’s king;
hear our joyful adoration
and accept the thanks we bring.
Only Son of God the Father,
Lamb who takes our sin away,
now with him in triumph seated -
for your mercy, Lord, we pray:
Jesus Christ, most high and holy,
Saviour, you are God alone
in the glory of the Father
with the Spirit: Three-in-One!
Please pray the Collect – the prayer for the day
Almighty Father,
you have given your only Son to die for our sins
and to rise again for our justification:
grant us so to put away the leaven of malice and wickedness
that we may always serve you in pureness of living and truth;
through the merits of your Son Jesus Christ our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen.
Kevin is going to read the first reading from Acts 2.14a, 22-32.
If you can, please stand to read the Gospel out loud from your Bible.
Gospel of the Day: John 20.19-end
Please click on the link to hear Mthr Helen's homily for today
Let’s remind ourselves of the beliefs of the Christian faith
We believe in God the Father,
from whom every family
in heaven and on earth is named.
We believe in God the Son,
who lives in our hearts through faith,
and fills us with his love.
We believe in God the Holy Spirit,
who strengthens us
with power from on high.
We believe in one God;
Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.
To lead into our time of prayer, we have a piece of music played by Martin, Abi and Gabriella. It is from Paul de Wailly’s Six Pieces (No 5 - Regrets)
The Prayers
Martin is leading our intercessions today. Please click on this link to pray with him.
As we finish our prayers, let us say together The Lord’s Prayer, and our Coronovirus prayer:
Almighty God, our Shield and our Defender,
guide and protect us at this time.
We pray for our loved ones, our neighbours,
our key workers, and our country in this time of health emergency.
Deliver us from harm, and may your love and care ever grow in our community.
Through Jesus Christ, Our Lord, Amen.
Let’s finish with a rousing hymn. Click on the link for the music and join in with Jonathan
The Day of Resurrection!
Earth, tell it out abroad
the Passover of gladness
the Passover of God.
From death to life eternal
from earth unto the sky,
our Christ hath brought us over
with hymns of victory.
Our hearts be pure from evil,
that we may see aright
the Lord in rays eternal
of resurrection light;
and listening to his accents,
may hear so calm and plain
his own ‘All hail’, and hearing,
may raise the victor strain.
Now let the heavens be joyful!
Let earth her song begin!
The round world keep high triumph,
and all that is therein!
Let all things seen and unseen
their notes in gladness blend,
for Christ the Lord hath risen,
our joy that hath no end.
Praying for God’s blessing
May Christ,
who out of defeat brings new hope and a new future,
fill us with his new life;
and may the blessing of God Almighty,
+ the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit,
be among us and remain with us all
now and forever. Amen.
Jonathan’s closing voluntary today is, Rachmaninov’s, Prelude C sharp minor
We normally have refreshments after the service, so why not make a cup of tea or coffee, and ring someone you know from church for a chat?