Here at St Matthew’s Church we’re delighted to see so many families and children attending our 9.30am service on Sundays. On the first Sunday of the month, a Mass For All Ages is held, and the whole church family worships together. On other Sundays, during term-time, the children join different groups to learn about God, worship, and have some fun. We currently run two groups on Sundays: Pebbles Play (age 3-5) and Prayer Pals (age 6-11). Children under the age of 3 are welcome to use the creche if they are accompanied by a parent or carer. We also organise activities for our Next Generation Disciples (school year 6 and up) on evenings throughout the year. All of our children and young people’s groups are organised by regular leaders who have had a DRB check and follow our Safeguarding Policy.
Prayer Pals
Prayer Pals is a group for children age 6 and over. There is a termly programme which links in with what we are doing in church - festivals, seasons of the year, the Gospel message. The children enjoy crafts, prayers, singing and learning about God.
If you would like to join this group, please bring your child/children into church by 9.30am where they can sit with the leader near the pulpit. The children follow the procession in to the first hymn, and then receive the Bible to take up to the hall for their session. The children will return to the main church with their leader and helpers for Holy Communion or a blessing.
We prepare children aged 8 and over to receive Holy Communion. If you would like your child to be prepared, please speak the the vicar.
Pebbles Play
Pebbles Play is for children age 3 to 5. The emphasis is on fun learning about God and the values of the Gospel. We do this through story-telling, craft activities, singing, prayer, and games.
If you would like your child/ren to join the group, just bring them up to the first floor of the church hall at 9.30am to join in. We encourage parents to then go into the main church to participate in the service. The children return to the main church with their leader and helpers in time for Holy Communion where they receive a blessing.
If you have little ones, why not come and have fun at the Toddler Group?
If your baby or toddler is not enjoying the service, and is making their feelings known, do not worry! We are relaxed about children being in church and we want everyone to feel comfortable. We have a creche at the back of church near the door which contains craft activities, toys and books, and parents and children under the age of 3 are welcome to use it. There is a loudspeaker in the creche which means that adults can hear what is going on in the church. All children must be accompanied by an adult in the creche, otherwise it is chaos!