St Matthew's Primary School


The church has very close links with St Matthew’s School, a local Church of England Nursery & Primary School.

The Vicar is Vice Chair of the School Governing Body and regularly takes Collective Worship (Assemblies), visits classes and goes on school trips. 

Children from the school also come to the church, which is within easy walking distance. Some recent visits include:

  • Learning about baptism by christening some pretend ‘babies’ in the font.

  • Learning about Advent using the candles on the Advent wreath.

  • Accompanying Jesus on his last journey, stopping off at each ‘Station of the Cross’.

  • Learning about all the different things in God’s House and what they are for: the pulpit, the lectern, the choir loft, the altar, the vestry and so on.

These visits help the children to make connections with what they are leaning in school and to feel comfortable within the church environment. Every year the whole school comes to the church for Harvest Festival, the School Carol Service and an Easter Eucharist. Parents and carers are very welcome to join us. We also have a special (and tearful!) Leavers’ Service in July when we say goodbye to Year Six and send them on their way to secondary school with a gift and lots of prayers.

st matthews school logo

School Admissions

Children of regular members of St Matthew’s Church may apply for a Foundation Place at the school. The Admissions Policy for nursery and primary school places can be found here.