Good Friday
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St Matthew’s War Memorial Christus
Today is the day we remember how loved we are by God. It is ‘Good’ Friday precisely because God’s Son, whose whole life was defined by love, went to his death and thereby redeemed us, so that we might be forgiven our sins, and receive eternal life.
To participate in our service today, you will need a candle, a Bible, and a crucifix– that’s a cross with Jesus’ body on it. If you don’t have one to hand, google it and choose a painting or image that appeals to you.
If there is more than one of you in your household, you can share out leading, and the readings; but it is perfectly possible to participate just on your own.
Light the candle to begin. Take a moment to become still and reflect on the solemn nature of today. At this time, when many people are dying of coronavirus, we pause to think about the death of one man which changed everything for us, and for all who suffer. We make the sign of the cross, saying together,
Leader: + In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
All Amen
Leader The Lord is here.
All His Spirit is with us.
Opening Hymn
Let's sing our opening hymn together. Click on the link
My Song is Love
My song is love unknown,
my Saviour’s love to me,
Love to the loveless shown, that they might lovely be.
Oh, who am I, that for my sake
my Lord should take frail flesh and die?
Sometimes they strew his way,
and his sweet praises sing;
resounding all the day ‘Hosannas’ to their King.
Then ‘Crucify!’ is all their breath,
and for his death they thirst and cry.
Here might I stay and sing,
no story so divine;
never was love, dear King, never was grief like thine!
This is my friend, in whose sweet praise
I all my days could gladly spend.
Please pray the collect, the prayer for today.
Almighty Father,
look with mercy on this your family
for which our Lord Jesus Christ was content to be betrayed
and given up into the hands of sinners
and to suffer death upon the cross;
who is alive and glorified with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and forever. Amen
Introducing the Theme
During this service, we will be reflecting specifically on the wounds of Christ. Please click on the link to hear Mthr Helen introduce the theme.
The Passion Gospel
Let’s now hear the whole story of the Passion. As is traditional, John’s Passion is sung at St Matthew’s, and here is Jonathan doing just that.
For each reflection there is a Bible reading, a short talk, and then a prayer to say. You might like to look at the relevant part of the body on the crucifix you have with you.
His Head
Bible Reading: Matthew 27:27-31
His Head
Christ be above me,
above my head, as my helmet of salvation.
Christ be above me,
above my life as my protection.
Christ be above me,
above my future as my banner leading me on.
Christ be above me,
above my hopes as my upward heavenly call.
Christ be above me,
now and for ever. Amen.
His Hands
Bible Reading: John 19:16b-18
His Hands
O Christ the master carpenter,
who, at the last, through wood and nails,
purchased our whole salvation.
Wield well your tools in the workshop of your world,
so that we, who come rough-hewn to your bench,
may here be fashioned to a truer beauty by your hand.
We ask it for your name’s sake. Amen.
His Feet
Bible Reading: Luke 23.27-31
His Feet
Christ, whose insistent call disturbs our settled lives,
give us discernment to hear your word.
grace to lay down unnecessary burdens,
and the courage to follow wherever you may lead,
that our feet may be swift to proclaim the gospel of your love,
to a world in pain.
In your name we pray, Amen.
His Side
Bible Reading: John 19.31-35
His Side
Almighty God,
to whom all hearts are open, all desires known,
and from whom no secrets are hidden,
cleanse the thoughts of our hearts
by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit,
that we may perfectly love you,
and worthily magnify your holy name.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
As you reflect on the death of Jesus, please listen to the Kohler family playing and singing ‘On the Holy Cross I see’. The words are below.
On the Holy Cross
On the holy cross I see Jesus’ hands nailed fast for me.
On the holy cross I see Jesus’ feet nailed fast for me.
Loving Jesus, let me be, still and quiet, close to thee.
Learning all thy love for me; giving all my love to thee.
Charlie will now lead us in prayer.
As we finish our prayers, let us say the together The Lord’s Prayer, and our Coronovirus Prayer.
Almighty God, our shield and our defender,
guide and protect us at this time.
We pray for our loved ones, our neighbours,
our key workers, and our country
in this time of health emergency.
Deliver us from harm, and may your love and care
ever grow in our community,
Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Praying for God’s blessing
May the blessings of our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us,
shine upon us on this holy day;
and may he always keep us in his loving care.
In his precious name we pray. Amen.
There are many crosses of different types in St Matthew's church. Here are ten of them. Can you identify where in the church each one is, and what is its purpose or meaning? Answers on Sunday, and I expect members of the altar serving team to get 10/10!